
Pictures - SYG Presentation Evening 2019

Below are some pictures of SYG members and leaders at our annual presentation and awards evening on the 29th April 2019.


Our guest of Honour, Bishop Stephen (The Bishop of Ely)

A Fanfare to start the Presentation Evening

Devotions done by Alan, Bishop Stephen & Caroline.

Presentations made to Explorers, Juniors, Seniors & Amicus sections by
our guests Keith Boyall & Nigel Smith.


Presentation of the Jimmy Shield by Jo Tyler to
Award winner Louise Dixon.


Presentation of a book of Photos of Alan Partridges time with SYG,
compiled by Paul Whitmell, and presented by Bishop Stephen.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Certificates & Badges presented by Bishop Stephen & Steve Burgess.
The Bishop presented 4 Gold Awards to Alex Hamburgh, Eloise Smith, Natalie Gilzean & Rees Parfitt,
3 Silver Awards to Aaron Cain, Niamh Downing & Lia Downing,
and 4 Bronze Awards to Cerys Compton, Lauren Hammond, Lucy Cain & Louise Dixon.

Jacob Hill & Shannon Harrop also gained their Gold Award, but were unable to attend the Presentation.

Our band closed the Evening with 3 tunes they had learnt over the year.

Pictures taken by Brent Greenwood

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